Top 5 Ancient Mountains of China

Wutai Mountain

Wutai Mountain has been formed about three billion years ago and it has been named like this as there are 5 peaks encircling one another. Having flat land wide tops, it is much like the five platforms. Wutai Mountain is known for its national scenic as well as Buddhism spot. It is the best place for tour having a popular summer resort, which is well renowned at home as well as abroad. It is one of the four well known Mountains for Buddhism. There are more than 100 temples constructed with the essence from various ancient buildings of the past of various dynasties. These are valuable historic heritage of China having high values.


Wutai Mountain

Wutai Mountain

Emei Mountain

It is located in the Sichuan Province which is at the southwest of Emei Country and is one of the Four Buddhist Shrines in China which is formed in the late phases of Tertiary. This mountain is known for its high rising peaks, stiff cliffs, gurgling springs, roaring waterfalls, fragrant flowers and towering ancient trees. It is also described as the beauty spot under heaven since ancient times. There are various historic sites and many precious cultural relics on the mountain. Inside the temple, you can find hundreds of iron and bronze statues.


Yellow Mountain

Yellow mountain or Mt Huangshan has been formed about billion year ago and covering an area of more than thousand square kilometers. It is well known for its unique shaped pines, sea of clouds, fantastic rock peaks and hot springs. The clouds drift in and out which change the scenery in no time. There are many peaks and they are named according to their shapes, religious or historic themes. Some of the major peaks attracting tourist are the Heavenly Capital Peak, Bright Summit and Lotus Flower Peak.


Yellow Mountain

Yellow Mountain

Tai Mountain

It lies in the central Shandong Province and covers an area of approximate 500 square meters. It is regarded as one of the five China’s sacred Mountains. More than 70 Chinese emperors from various dynasties have made pilgrimage to Tai Mountain for the ceremonial and sacrificial purposes. It is also endowed with various picnic spots.  There are a lot of peaks, caves, oddly shaped rocks, streams and valleys, pools, springs and waterfall. It is also encroached with variety of flora.


Tai Mountain

Tai Mountain

Lu Mountain

Lu Mountain is located at the northern part of the province of Jiangxi and has history of more than sixty lack years. The scenery of the Lu Mountain scenic area is breathtaking and full of sheer precipices and peaks, changeable fogs and clouds, flying waterfalls and silver springs. It has diverse flora having about three thousand species. There are lot of fauna also thriving in this mountain.


Lu Mountain

Lu Mountain


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