Shanghai travel guide

Shanghai has become a very expansive city and some of the shanghai attractions are charging over 200 yuan for a family of four members for a day out in the city. It can be sometimes very expensive but you need not worry. Here are some of the interesting attractions that you will love in Shanghai.

Shanghai is full of several museums. You can visit the top museum in shanghai. Some of the museums are free of charge. Shanghai museum is one of them which have the best collection of artifacts of ancient China. This museum is four floored and has more than 120,000 precious ancient relics which include china ware, bronze ware calligraphy works, paintings, ancient coins, jade articles, sculptures and ancient furniture. You can get a lot of information about the Chinese culture in this museum.

Shanghai Museum

Shanghai Museum

Shanghai Natural History museum is also a nice destination for a family with the kids. This is one of the largest museums of China depicting natural science, history of ancient animals, evolution of plants and animals, human history, specimen of plants and animals, fossils, mummies, models, ancient literature and unearthed historical relics.

Shanghai Art Palace is also a free museum in shanghai and located at the China Pavilion of 2010 Shanghai World Expoo. It has 27 exhibition halls and the museum shows the development of the modern Chinese art having a lot of art treasures mainly oil paintings, Chinese paintings, printmaking and sculptures. If you want to see all these things then it might take a whole day.

Jin-Mao Tower

Jin-Mao Tower

50 Monganshan Road Contemporary Art Gallery is a place with artistic creation in Shanghai. Most of the Chinese painters live here and display their works. You can also see Leisurely strolling alongside the road. The Bund is situated at the bank of Huangpu River is the representative of shanghai. You can see Jinmao Tower and Pearl TV Tower there. Tianzifang is very popular tourist attraction and it has architectures of 1930 and you can find your favorite art and crafts enjoying the coffee. Build in 1907, Wukang Road is another place to visit and have about 14 excellent architectures and more than 35 historical sites.  Xintiandi is famous for modern elements, catering, shopping and you can experience the old Shanghai also. You can also visit some ancient towns like Qibao Ancient Town, Zhujiajiao Ancient town, Fenjing Ancient Town.

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